Privacy Policy

At the core of our operations lies a fundamental commitment: prioritize user trust by collecting and storing only the necessary minimum of data for the smooth operation of our services. This commitment is rooted not only in our respect for users' privacy, but also in our refusal to participate in business models that exploit or capitalize on personal data. Moreover, it is derived from the recognition of regulatory challenges associated with responsible personal data management, and the significant efforts required for their protection.

By agreeing with our users on privacy matters, we are ardently dedicated to ensuring maximum confidentiality, thereby eliminating conflicts of interest that often arise in organizations relying on extensive collection of personal data for their business models.

What information do we collect?

In the course of operating and providing our services, we collect personal data through various channels:

  1. Uploaded content

    Uploaded images: We temporarily store users' uploaded images exclusively for processing purposes, ensuring that we do not view these images or their results ourselves. After processing, the images are deleted.

  2. Provided information

    Your email address: Users must provide an email address for product purchases or support requests. Support request: Any additional information disclosed by users during support requests is also collected.

  3. Automatically collected information

    Device and connection information: While we use Google Analytics, we refrain from further segmentation of users.

How do we use the collected information?

Our data collection is aimed at a primary goal: to ensure the operation, improvement, customization, and support of our services:

  1. Providing services

    Original image processing: Using data to process images according to users' requests. Sending emails: Sending emails related to the purchase, including confirmations and delivery updates.

  2. Quality control

    Usage regulation: Ensuring the stable provision of services through monitoring and control.

  3. Research and development

    Customization and improvement: Adapting, assessing, and improving our services, website, and applications. Error identification: Identifying, diagnosing, and fixing any errors or failures in our services.

  4. Facilitating communication

    Responding to requests: Responding to users' inquiries.

How long do we store your information?

We store personal data only for the duration necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Storage periods vary depending on the purposes:

  1. Email address, support request

    Stored indefinitely: In accordance with storage limitations for solving service-related problems and providing ongoing support.

  2. Uploaded image

    Stored temporarily: Until processing is complete, after which the image is deleted.

  3. Device and connection information

    Stored indefinitely: Consistent with storage limitations.